Why is shipping so expensive?

The shipping fees you’ll see at checkout are an estimate generated by Squarespace. If the actual amount I pay for shipping is a huge difference, I will refund you or in some cases reach out to you to cover any major difference. It can be difficult for Squarespace to estimate perfectly due to items different shapes and weights affecting the size of the box, and the density of packing materials. Thank you for understanding!

Why do you use plastic when shipping?

I collect plastic and other packing materials from friends, family, and keep what I receive from other online shipments so I can reuse them to safely wrap pottery. It’s not the prettiest wrapping, but it allows me not to waste as much packing material.

Will you ever ship outside of the United States?

One day I hope to scale up my shipping operations to include other countries, but right now it’s not possible. I’m so sorry for any disappointment!

Do you take commissions?

Not typically, but maybe! If you have a customization request that is very similar to something I have made in the past please reach out and let me know, we might be able to work something out.

If we need to design something together from scratch, and I need to test out forms, glazes, and techniques then the process will be a lot longer, more complicated, and therefore more expensive. Would be happy to hear from you if you had something specific in mind, but for those reasons I cannot accept many commissions.

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